
 In the studio, we recorded using two KSM137 microphones. One was pointed in a standard configuration halfway between the embouchure hole and left hand, the other pointed directly at the footjoint. 

We also recorded using a DPA 4061 microphone. This miniature condenser microphone can be placed inside of the flute. Its high SPL tolerances allow it to capture sound inside the flute without peaking. 

We like to record in a way that’s compatible with both studio and live performance settings. The methods we use to record samples in the studio have an analogue for live performance.

For live performance, we use a DPA 4488, and a clip-on DPA 4061 on the end of the footjoint. We have two versions of the clip: one keeps the footjoint open, the other plugs the end of the footjoint. 

As our project develops, we will provide additional documentation for the tools and techniques we use for PrismaSonus.